Basic obedience training in dogs has proven to help remove existing behavioral issues and stop the development of undesirable traits in the future. More importantly, teaching your pooch to follow basic commands can save your pet’s life during emergencies.

Besides, you don’t need to be a professional dog trainer to teach your pooch, though there are classes you could take. The latter is not necessary because as long as you have the mindset, you can do it.


Teaching your pooch to sit is easy. Begin by holding a treat close to your pup’s nose. After you got his attention, move your hand slowly. His head should follow the movement while lowering his bottom in the process. Since he is now in a sitting position, give him the treat while saying “sit.” Afterwards, give him a lot of praise.

Do these sequences every day. Once your dog has mastered the command, ask him to sit in situations where you want him to be calm such as before mealtimes or before taking him for walks.


This command is particularly important. Teaching him “come” can keep your dog safe in many situations. For instance, if both of you are out for a walk and you lose grip of his leash, you can call him.

Begin with putting a leash and collar on your pup. Make eye contact and lower yourself to his level. Gently pull the leash while saying “come.” Once he gets to you, reward him.


Many dog experts and trainers alike would agree that this is one of the most difficult commands you can teach your pooch. It is because the position is one of submission. To make the training more comfortable, keep the training fun and relaxed.

You can start by using a treat that smells pleasantly. Hold the treat and close your hand into a fist. Place your hand in front of your dog’s snout. Once he sniffs your hand, move it down to the floor to let your dog follow. Encourage his body to support the movement by sliding your hand along the ground. Say “down” if he is already in the down position and gives him a reward and lots of affection.

Do the routine daily. In cases where your dog will lunge towards you, take your hand away and say “no.” Pushing is not recommended and will not do any good. Instead, encourage your dog throughout the process.


The “stay” command can only be done once a dog is already trained with the “sit” command. Here’s why. Command your dog to “sit.” Once he is seated, say “stay” while opening your palm in front of you. Back up a few steps. If he stays in the position, reward him with lots of affection and a treat.

Increase your steps gradually. Reward your pooch every time he stays put even if for a short time.

Like humans, dogs have different learning abilities. Some can easily follow the commands while others may take some time. If you see that your pup is struggling, be patient and get back to the first routine. Once he can learn and become an expert with the command, you can then add up other commands such as leave it, wait, stop, and more.


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