There are many attributes that make Pitbulls popular to dog owners. There’s their unrivaled energy and renowned strength. There’s their appealing body that looks athletic and well-sculpted. And, most importantly, there’s their standout character and warm temperament. Dog lovers who own Pitbulls attest to how loyal this breed of canine is to their human, as well as how trainable these pups happen to be. If you are in search of the best dog breed to take home, a Pitbull ought to be on top of your priorities.

If you finally decide to have one, here’s how you can best care for them.

Bond with your Pitbull.

Human interaction is one of Pitbull’s most favorite things. This is because this canine breed is highly sociable. Their love of human interaction should be first satisfied by your company. So make sure to bond well and bond enough with your Pitbull from when they are still a puppy. Once you are quite confident with the relationship you have made with your Pitbull, the next step is introducing them to other potential sources of interaction. Here we mean both humans and canine. Remember to test the waters first by conducting your first playdates with other humans and dogs in an easily controllable area such as your house.

Hire the best vet in town.

Pitbulls are susceptible to specific health conditions. To ensure that your pup does not fall ill, they must be given expert care consistently. Vaccinations are a good way to start. So make it a point to provide your pup all the essential vaccine shots while they are still young. You should also take your pup to the vet regularly for tick and flea and worm checkups. Neutering and spaying are procedures you might also want to read about in relation to your pup’s health.

Provide your Pitbull with enough exercise.

One of the innate qualities of Pitbulls is their unsurmountable energy and lust for living. Their chiseled torso seems tailored to cater to this exact disposition. With this said your Pitbull requires ample exercise. So take them to hour-long walks or runs. Or play with them in a public park. Whatever activity you choose, what’s important is you keep you Pitbull active.

Prioritize your Pitbull’s health.

Surely you have a lot to prioritize in your life. Taking home a Pitbull ought to mean you are ready to put them in your list of priorities as well. Placing them amongst your priorities means being keen on their health status at all times. And this starts with responsible and right feeding of your pup. The last thing you want to happen to your dog is for them to become obese. With obesity comes a hoard of life-threatening conditions you will not want to deal with.

Have your Pitbull trained while they are still a pup.

Obedience training is something all Pitbulls require. That is because these dogs can sometimes turn naughty. So while they are still a pup, teach them how to obey your rules and commands by way of positive reinforcement.


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