A puppy is a cute little being, right? Of course, adopting a puppy is a cute and smart choice. Have you been thinking of adopting a puppy? Adopting a puppy can be one of the best decisions you make in your life, especially if you live alone or are lonely. With a puppy, you have a family member and a companion.

Yes, a puppy can turn out to be a family member and a companion.  I have got 11 reasons why you should take the cute and smart choice.

1. Puppies reduce stress

Are you stressed out? If so, adopting a puppy is a way to reduce your stress. Puppies can provide support in stressful times, even, their affection and love have been shown to reduce blood pressure.

2. Saving lives

By adopting a puppy, you are saving a life especially if you adopt a puppy from an adoption center. Adopting a puppy shows that you value a life and willing to increase the quality of life.

3. Puppies help kids become better kids

Little tykes with puppies around the house can improve your child’s score in social, cognitive, and motor development tests.

4. Puppies will make you feel better

Interaction with dogs triggers the production of feel-good hormones such as serotonin in the body. Thus, adopting a puppy will make you happier.

5. Puppies make you silly

Playing with puppies give you an opportunity to be silly. You need not be serious at all times, you can be silly with your puppy.

6. Puppies keep you active

Studies have shown that people who walk a dog for fifteen minutes on a daily basis lose weight more than people who stick to popular fad diets.

7. Puppies help you to make friends

Puppies provide social help, so thank your puppy for the benefit. Puppies bring you out more often, thus helping to reduce isolation. While walking your puppy, you will also meet puppy owners and make new friends.

8. Puppies heal the heart

Studies have shown that puppies help to improve heart health. Puppies are the sweet medicine that helps to improve heart health and improve the life expectancy of dog owners.

9. Puppies help with allergies

Though puppies can trigger people with allergies, adopting a puppy can be helpful for your child as it reducing the likelihood of your child developing allergies. Growing up with a puppy in the home can reduce allergies to the dog when your child grows into an adult.

10. Puppies grow to become loyal friends

The common belief is a dog is a man best friend. That’s so true because the bond you form with a puppy is one that will grow to become a loyal and lifelong friend.

11. Puppies are so cute

Puppies have the ability to make you smile, laugh, and live a longer life. They are also cute and fun to live with. Adopt a puppy today and enjoy taking selfies with your adorable pup. Post your selfies on your social media platforms, and watch your likes roll in.



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