Every dog needs to learn three basic commands; Sit, Lie Down and Stay. These are the fundamentals to dog training and help him in learning other advanced techniques. And it is imperative that you be very cautious when you are teaching him these moves because you don’t want him to learn wrong moves. Training him by yourself is a lot of fun, and the dedication level is to the highest from both sides because you both love each other and want to explore things together. You will have a lot of fun teaching him these moves because he will do funny things at first that will be hilarious. So without keeping you waiting, let’s teach your dog:


One of the important and most fundamental things when it comes to training your dog is to teach him how to sit. This is because many of the training methods require the dog to first sit and that’s why it is essential for him to learn to sit first. And besides who doesn’t want their best pal to sit with them after a long hectic day at work? So do these things to teach him to sit:

  • First, hold a treat near his nose while he is standing.
  • Now keep the treat near his nose and slowly move it over his head in an arc. As he raises his head to follow to treat, his bottom part will go down on the floor. As soon as this happens, praise him and give him his well-earned treat.
  • Practice this technique various times in short but regular sessions.
  • Once you notice that he is starting to sit for a longer period, add the word “sit” as soon as he sits and that’s it. After a couple of sessions, he will learn to sit on your call.

Lie Down:

When your good boy is being a naughty boy, you need to make him lie down so you can catch a break from running after him. So to train him to lie down, do the following things:

  • Make him sit and then move a treat from his nose to his chest then straight down to the floor.
  • If you do exactly like this, your dog will follow the treat and move into lying position. Once he does that, praise him and reward him with the treat.
  • When you notice that he is following the treat every time, add “down” as soon as he gets into the downward position.
  • Practice it a number of times, and he will eventually learn to sit.


Sometimes, you would want to make your dog stay at a certain place because you don’t want him to follow you or go near something you don’t want him to. So to teach him to stay, do the following things:

  • Firstly, ask him to sit.
  • Now open the palm of your hand in front of you and say the word “stay.”
  • After that, go a few steps back and if he stays where you left him, reward him with the treat.
  • Now gradually start to increase the number of steps in backward direction before you give him the treat.
  • Remember to reward him with the treat if he stays even if he does it for a few seconds.
  • Repeat this whole process until he finally learns to stay put.



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