Is your puppy jumping on the couch all the time? Does your puppy sleep with you on your bed instead of his bed? Is it getting hard for you to remove your puppy’s hair from your couch and bed? Well! There are many people who find it hard to stop their dogs from getting on their furniture. The reason your dog is on your couch is that you have to not trained it properly. Here are some of the tips that will help you train your puppy to stop getting on your furniture.

Reasons your dog is on your couch

Before we can get on the training process, it is important for you to know the reasons why your dog is on your couch all the time.

  1. Your couch and bed are softer as compared to the bed that you have prepared for your puppy.
  2. Your dog is trying to get your attention, and that is why he is on your bed or couch
  3. Couch and bed smell like you due to which your puppy likes to be on your furniture when you are not around.
  4. A couch near the window is appealing for a dog, and he might get a view that is not available from the floor.

Puppy training

There is a simple step by step guide which you can use to train your puppy to stay on the floor. It is important for you to teach your dog that he is not allowed on the couch. Here is the guideline that you have to follow.

  1. Start using the leash of your puppy in the house. Using the leash, you have to walk your dog to the bed or couch.
  2. When you sit on the couch/bed, your puppy will surely try to jump up and sit beside you. Tug your puppy back using the leash and say NO.
  3. Politely command your puppy to go on his bed. When your dog will follow your command assure that you reward him with a treat.
  4. You may have to walk back and forth to give your puppy the idea that you are serious. Wait until your dog is in its bed.

After some practice, your dog will learn these steps. But it is important that all the family members practice the same routine to give your puppy the idea that he is not allowed on the furniture in any situation. Once your puppy is trained with the leash, you have to stop using the leash. Your puppy might follow you to the bed, and this time you have to ignore him if he is on the bed or couch with you. It will give your dog the signal, and he will go back to the floor.

Make sure that you are consistent with the training process. That is the only way your dog will learn the rules. It might some time to train your puppy, but the sooner you will start the better it would be for you.


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