The moment Kit Shinobu made the decision to have a dog of her own, she made a list of what it has to be. First, it needs to be a young puppy. And of course, she wants one that’s cute and adorable. But instead, she met Maya.

Already 5 years old, Maya was rescued by Shinobu from one of the dog farms in Thailand. A social media post said that they need someone completely committed in taking the husky in because of her special condition. So when Shinobu saw the post, she knew it was pertaining to her.

“She’s missing all her 4 paws,” said Shinobu. “She looked a little different. But she looked happy.”

Other than missing her paws, there are also a few medical issues that affect Maya’s bones and hips. She can walk but she gets wobbly. She needs a wheelchair to make moving around easier.

So, rather than a cute tiny puppy, Shinobu decided to open her home to Maya, instead. The lovely pooch settled in just fine. And almost instantly, Shinobu and Maya became the best of friends.

Maya is extremely active. She’s one loving dog that never allowed anything to stop or slow her down. “She’s frisky, she’s strong,” said Shinobu. “She likes playing with her balls, and she sleeps a lot!”

Other than Shinobu, Maya also found a best friend in Mamon, also a husky. They run and play around every chance they get. And neither of them seems to be getting enough of each other anytime soon.

Maya enjoys swimming. And she’s also a big fan of snuggling. But on top of everything else, Maya loves running the most. Thanks to her incredibly wonderful mom and her wheelchair, Maya can run free and fast to wherever her heart wants.

“I could have adopted a puppy. A small one like I originally planned. But I chose Maya. And the day I made the decision to take her home changed our lives big time.”

Credits to Instagram @maya_siberian


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