Dogs and humans share a lot of commonalities. These commonalities allow both to become close friends.

Day by day, we discover new great things with dogs that strengthens our belief that dogs and humans are soulmates and are meant to stay together. Today, we will add another characteristic of a dog which is similar to human beings.

Our featured dog for this article shows how a mother’s love encourages one to overcome whatever challenges that block her way. Maternal instincts are one of the reasons why one can love without any conditions and complaints.

The dog in our featured video shows her steadfast determination to take care of anyone who is in distress and needs help.

Watch the video below.

Maggie is an Australian Shepherd. She heard the cries of the puppies in the nearby kennels and tried her best to get out from her room to provide assistance and company to them. Maggie surveyed the whole area to find the location of the crying pups. When she saw the right place, she stayed there and waited for the owner to let her in the puppies’ kennel.

The moment the owner found her cuddled in front of the puppies’ pen, the owner let her in and allowed her to stay for the night. Her presence gave assurance to the puppies which made them calm and stop crying.

Our thoughts

This video only proves that maternal care and characteristics are not only limited to human beings. Dogs also understand situations which ask for their immediate motherly response. Maggie’s act only shows the world that being a mother takes different forms.

Motherhood is a gift. Thus, we must not consider becoming a mother as a curse or a burden because being one gives you the strength to give more and always be more.

Credits: SuperNewsfull


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