MabelAmber (CC0), Pixabay

At 10 months, this dog has never seen anything except what’s inside the yard of her owner’s house in Texas. She didn’t have any toys to play and neither has she been able to chill on the couch with anyone. Yet, she’s full of love, and she’s willing to share it.

When Aphrodite was found, she was swarmed with fleas and completely sore. Her neck was severely wounded because of the tight collar that has wrapped around her. And because she was in a terrible state, she was dumped at a local kill shelter.

“Her collar was so tight it rubbed her skin,” said A-Team Elite Rescue Dogs Founder Cindy Droogman. “She was outside her whole life. We don’t think she’s ever been allowed inside the house.”

Clearly, Aphrodite never knew how it felt being loved. But despite that, she’s full of love, and she’s willing to give it to any individual. Aphrodite smiled at complete strangers. She nuzzles her nose and rubs it against people’s hands when they approach her. Sometimes, she even touches them by lifting her paw.

Thankfully, Droogman saw how special Aphrodite really is. From miles away, she reached out to several groups and arranged for the medical care the sweet pup needs. This way, Aphrodite could heal from the life-long neglect she suffered.

With the help of different veterinary facilities and other rescue groups, Aphrodite finally received the treatment she desperately needs. She’s also given medicated baths to help heal and soothe her skin. And by the time she was healthy and strong enough, she flew to Long Island, New York to start her journey in finding her forever home.

“Look at how beautiful this spirit is. Happiness sparks from her eyes when one truly caring individual is near her,” wrote one commenter in Aphrodite’s photo on Facebook.

“We told Aphrodite she’s already safe. And we promised her a better life. That’s what’s waiting,” added Droogmans.

Photo Credits to Cindy Droogmans/A-Team Elite Rescue Dog


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