A stray dog in South Korea had everyone wondering why it kept looking up at an apartment building. People in the neighborhood noticed that the dog would sit at the apartment’s parking lot and stare up at the middle of the building all day.

Residents in the area observed that the dog was cautious around adults, especially men. A neighbor attempted to catch it so they could take care of it, but it wouldn’t let them come near. The dog always ran away. Then it would return to its spot by the parking lot and look up again.

At certain times of the day, the dog would leave the parking lot and play with children. Surprisingly, it was very sweet and allowed them to pet him. He didn’t mind them being near him at all.

However, after playing with them, he would leave and return to the apartment building’s parking lot and look up again. Suddenly, a young woman went out of the building and called its name. It responded to her voice, but it refused to come near.

As it turned out, the woman adopted the dog from a shelter. However, it got out of her apartment and wouldn’t go back. For two months, she went down and brought it food, which he ate from a distance. It was always excited to see her but ran away whenever she tried to pet it.

She couldn’t do anything but look down at him from her apartment unit while he looked up at her from the parking lot. The poor dog obviously loved its owner, but it didn’t know how to relate with her.

It had been living on the streets before it was adopted, and it probably suffered abuse from adults. It didn’t know how to trust grown-ups.

Because the dog only trusted kids, a plan was made to catch it with the help of kids. A group of children formed a circle and called the dog to go inside. When it did, they tightened the circle so it couldn’t escape.

Its owner was inside the circle, waiting for him. After two months of trying to catch him, she was able to hold him in her arms—and he didn’t complain about it. Finally, she was able to take it home.

Source: SBS TV via YouTube


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