Abandoning a puppy who can barely stand up is plain cruel. What’s crueler is when people just pass him by and not do anything to help. Fortunately, there is still hope for mankind and one person who was kind and concerned enough picked her up and got her some help.

The abandoned puppy was brought to the San Francisco SPCA office to be taken care of, and the staff there did. They saw the struggle and pain of Daffodil’s past and circumstance that they did not hesitate to give her the best option that they could possibly give her.

Daffodil has no front legs, and the staff knew she needed her own set of wheels so she can move better. The team wrapped Daffodil’s tiny body so it will be protected while they put the cast on. Once the cast is on, they marked it with where her stumps are.

As the staff was doing all of this for Daffodil, she shows her gratitude to them by licking their faces. After the cast, she was measured for her new wheels, and two weeks later, the wheels finally arrived and it was a perfect fit!

When Daffodil tried it on, she bolted with it! It was a fun and happy moment to see. She still stumbles and falls, but the staff of San Francisco SPCA is always there to pick her up and let her try again. Daffodil never stopped learning, and the time came when it was a breeze for her to use her wheels.

The day that Daffodil and the staff has been waiting for has finally come- adoption day! Daffodil met her new guardian, and she was finally brought to her new home. Daffodil may have been abandoned early on, but one thing is for sure, she will never be abandoned again.

Source San Francisco SPCA via YouTube


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