Did you know that dogs have superpowers? Well, this one does. Baron is very loyal and loves helping out in the house to a great extent.

Baron has lived with his trainer, Linda and her son, Alexander since Baron was only twelve weeks old. Linda immediately trained him since he was very eager to learn and please. Linda found it very easy to train Baron as he is a fast learner.

Just a few of his skills or what they call Baron’s superpowers are load dishwasher, wipe windows, dusting, sweep the floor, load and unload the drier and washer. He even puts the toilet set down behind Alexander when he forgets. He also knows how to handle the light switches.

If those are not dog superpowers, we don’t know what are. Baron is very close to Linda’s son, Alexander. The more Alex is able to give commands, and Baron follows, the stronger their bond becomes. Alex is able to ask Baron in helping him keep his toys and clean his room.

Baron does not only act as a friend to Alexander, but he acts like an overprotective father, especially when they are out in public. When someone comes up to talk or greet them, Baron will wedge himself between Alexander or Linda acting as a barrier.

When Alexander falls down or Baron hears him cry, Baron will be the first one there to make sure that Alexander is okay. When Linda sees the loyalty that Baron has shown the family, Linda does not doubt that Baron would give up his life for them if he has to.

Alexander considers this loyal dog to be his best friend, and Baron definitely feels the same way. With this dog’s amazing skills and loyalty, he is putting some humans to shame.

Source Barcroft Animals via YouTube


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