Everybody loves receiving gifts from the people they love. Even dogs love receiving one from their owners as well. As such, it’s no wonder for a particular pooch named Harper to jump around with joy upon receiving his present.

What’s in the box, Dad?

In the video, one can see a man holding a pair of scissors as he tries to open a box. Not far away, a pooch named Harper stands beside the box, curious as to its contents.

Without wasting any second, Dad starts cutting the box open with the scissors. One by one, Dad cuts through the tapes until the entire box’s finally opened.

Harper continues standing nearby for him to see the contents. By the looks of it, Harper’s bound to receive the biggest surprise of his life a few seconds from now.

Oooh! These are all mine?

One by one, Dad started bringing out the items from the box.

First on the list is a large and fluffy pillow-like structure, which is Harper’s newest dog bed! Even before Dad managed to place the mattress on the floor, Harper’s so excited to give it a try.

As soon as Dad placed the bed on the floor, Harper started nudging and playing on it. At some point, the pooch even gives Dad a handshake, signifying how pleased he is with Dad’s gift.

But, as Harper happily lies down on his new bed, Dad brings out another item from the box.


Aside from the dog bed, the package includes another must-have item for dogs – a chew toy! Its vibrant yellow-green color ultimately catches Harper’s attention as Dad removes its packaging.

The moment Dad removed the toy’s packaging, he immediately hands it to the excited pooch. Harper immediately saunters off and starts happily munching on his new chew toy.

Dogs indeed possess the ability to appreciate whatever their fur parents give to them. And, if you feel like needing a dose of positive vibes for the day, perhaps you can view the video below to get one.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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