For most of us, the health and well-being of our pet dogs are as important as ours. We make sure that the dogs we own get the proper care they need, and we often treat them as part of our family.

However, some people don’t know how to appreciate these beautiful creatures. A lot of people see these dogs as an opportunity to make money. Puppy mills are illegal and very common around the world. Puppy mills are where dogs are kept to produce puppies for these horrible people to sell. Commonly, these dogs are kept in unsanitary cages and live a miserable life.

A dog named Cesar is one of these dogs who was rescued from a puppy mill in Spain. He’s a Yorkie who lived ten years of his life inside a dark box. The only time Cesar was taken out of the box was when it was time for him to breed.

dog, water, play

Throughout his life, the tiny Yorkie didn’t know what love or family was. He didn’t even know how to play. When Cesar was rescued, animal rescue workers and volunteers knew how terrible his life had been. Behind his heavily matted fur were sad eyes that looks like he already gave up on life.

Thankfully, the people who rescued Cesar along with other dogs living in the puppy mill had great plans for them. The rescue workers first started to work on his fur, which was matted with waste. When they began to cut off the matted fur, Cesar realized that he’s being rescued.

Throughout the entire process, Cesar remained calm and very sweet. After getting cleaned, the rescue workers treated Cesar for any infections that he may have.

Eventually, a couple adopted Cesar and gives him the love that he deserves and missed out on for the past ten years of his life. Here’s a video of Cesar’s rescue which will truly bring a tear to your eyes. Thankfully, he’s now living with an amazing couple who are dedicated to giving Cesar the life possible.

Video Source Viktor Larkhill via YouTube


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