A loyal dog proved he wasn’t just his owner’s buddy but also his savior. The pit bull, named Darby, is being hailed as a hero after he fought off a shark to save his fur dad.

It may seem like an incredible tale, but James White insists that it really happened. One day, he was fishing on the shore at Bodega Bay in California while his 1-year-old pit bull Darby waited in the car nearby.

The first few minutes were quiet; nothing was biting. Ten minutes later, though, something hefty tugged on White’s line.

It was so heavy that White almost couldn’t reel it in. He thinks he was able to pull the creature into shallow water only because it swam toward him.

And then White saw what was on the end of his line — it was a sevengill shark, approximately six feet long. He tried to get closer to the animal so he could unhook it.

But the shark twisted its body, plopped to the shore, and promptly caught one of White’s ankles in its jaws. Blood spurted out of his skin; White thinks the shark’s teeth tore through an artery.

White tried to escape as the pressure on his ankle was becoming unbearable, but the shark was too powerful. He yelled for help from anglers some distance away, but they neither heard nor saw him.

Thankfully, the sound of the struggle reached Darby’s ears. The pit bull knew his fur dad needed help, so he found a way to open the car door.

Darby then dashed down the embankment and bit down on the side of the shark’s body, forcefully tossing his head back and forth. However, the shark only clamped down even harder on White’s flesh.

So the fur dad shouted at his pit bull to retreat. However, the quick-thinking Darby changed his strategy and pulled on the shark’s tail.

Finally, the creature let go of White’s leg. The man then grabbed the shark and tossed it into deeper water. Luckily, it swam off instead of coming back for them.

The pit bull is such a sweet dog that White didn’t know he had that fierceness within him. However, the fur dad will always be grateful to the pooch for saving his leg that day. Watch White and Darby here:

Source: Prayers for Pets1 NonProfit on YouTube


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