A fur mom never imagined that her routine walk through the cemetery with her two fur babies would end in assault one night. Still, she’s filled with gratitude for the bravery both dogs showed that day.

The Melbourne woman, who wishes to be known only as Kate, was no stranger to the Williamstown Cemetery. She would regularly go there to walk her two dogs, a terrier mix named Louie and a Shih Tzu called RuPaul.

One night, she was resting for a bit and waiting for Louie and RuPaul to tire of chasing a critter. Suddenly, someone pushed her from behind. It came as a complete surprise; she hadn’t heard him approach her at all.

The attacker, who was wearing a black puffer jacket, held Kate down on the ground as he tried to remove her pants forcibly. She then started yelling at the top of her lungs, trying to attract attention.

When Louie and RuPaul heard their fur mom’s screams, they ran to her and launched their little bodies against the man. The dogs kept growling and nipping at the attacker until he finally backed off and fled toward KC White Reserve.

The fur mom and her dogs rushed home, where Kate immediately contacted the police. They soon arrived at Williamstown Cemetery and conducted a forensic examination of the crime scene.

Kate was so shaken by the assault that she didn’t go home for a week. Meanwhile, the authorities are asking anyone who was at Williamstown Cemetery that night and witnessed the incident to come forward and help them find the attacker.

The fur mom still shudders to think of what could’ve happened that day had Louie and RuPaul run off in fear instead of protecting her. However, she is safe now, and all that’s left is bringing the perpetrator to justice.

Kate undoubtedly showered her little canine heroes with tons of treats and kisses once everything had settled down. Watch Louie and RuPaul in the video below:

Source: Sky News Australia on YouTube and Cassie Zervos on Twitter


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