We all know how good a massage feels. Getting a full-body massage is one of the best ways to end a stressful work week. It is also a fantastic way to reward yourself for all the effort you put into your work.

Humans are not the only ones who enjoy a good massage. Dogs love it, too, as a corgi named Gatsby proves.

One day, Gatsby’s owner Ryen decided to give him a massage. Ryen prepared a soft bean bag chair in the living room. He covered it with a white blanket to make it more comfortable, and then he placed Gatsby on top of it.

Even before the massage began, the corgi already looked relaxed. He barely moved as he lay on the cozy bean bag chair, enjoying its softness.

Ryen put on his massage gloves. After that, he began to stroke the corgi’s body from his belly to his head, then his neck, and then his paws. Gatsby loved it so much that he gave his owner little kisses on the arms as the massage went on.

Ryen kept rubbing different parts of the dog’s body. As he did, Gatsby began to look sleepy. His eyes started to close, and eventually, he fell asleep. He even looked like he was dreaming.

He woke up after some time, and his owner asked him how the massage was. In reply, Gatsby kissed Ryen’s arms as if to say he loved the relaxing massage.

Some dog experts say giving your dog regular massages has several benefits. It helps distribute oxygen in the blood. It also helps increase a dog’s flexibility and relieve muscle tension. For dogs that suffer from conditions like arthritis, a massage can alleviate pain and discomfort.

And for dogs like Gatsby, who doesn’t have health problems like arthritis, a massage can be a good way to strengthen the bond between dog and owner. Watch the video below and see how Gatsby’s owner pampers him.

Source: VlogAfterCollege via YouTube


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