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When we are given or have gotten something that we really enjoy, as much as possible we do not want anybody else to touch it or even just be near it. We tend to be territorial. Tucker, a dog, is just like most of us.

One day, Tucker was having such a great time. Then, his owner called him to give him something.

The dog got a new toy! It was an emoji and it looks like poop. Aside from how funny the toy looks, it also makes sounds that would remind you of farts.

Tucker’s owner showed Tucker how to use the poop toy. However, Tucker was surprised when he heard the noise coming from the toy. And he showed embarrassment. He may have thought that the farting sounds have come from himself!

But it didn’t take long for Tucker to warm up to his new toy, despite the sound it makes. He quickly took the toy right off his owner’s hands. Now, he just is happy to have the toy in his mouth. He may be thinking that the toy was just meant to be his.

Now, his owner tried to take the toy from Tucker but Tucker wouldn’t have it. The toy is his and he is not letting go. When he goes to sleep, he brings the poop toy with him to bed. He surely is telling everyone to back off because the toy is his.

Until when will Tucker love his poop toy, well, we don’t know. To each, his own – and some dogs would be enthralled by new toys while there are some who would be loyal to his favorite toy and would not exchange it for any other toy. We’ll have to wait and see if Tucker decides that the poop toy is not his favorite anymore. For now, let Tucker enjoy it.

Source: Tucker Budzyn


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