Dogs can send a message using non-verbal cues. Whether they are anxious, sad, or happy, you’ll know it through their body language. John Lagunes II, a pet owner caught his dog red-handed. When he went home from school, he discovered a room full of mess.

A shredded paper scattered everywhere. It was his dog’s way of expressing his disappointment after his owner left early for school. He was supposed to take him to the park. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to go to the park that day.

The owner might have thought that it was not a big deal until he came home. He was greeted by a shredded book and his dog, Rev was the culprit. The funny part was that the torn-up paperback was a canine training book titled “Guide to a Well-Behaved Dog.”

John uses the book to train Rev so he can follow basic commands. The owner needed to go to school early and Rev was not thrilled with the idea. Although the trip to the park wasn’t canceled, John has to move it to a later time.

Rev didn’t like the idea and he took out his frustration on the training book. John finds the scene to be humorous because of all books, Rev chooses an unlikely yet appropriate target. Although John was not happy about Rev being energetic and anxious, he was still able to find a way to capture such a hilarious moment.

John also admits that he makes it a point to take Rev to the park. He’s well-aware of the amount of exercise his dog needs every day. It was only that morning that Rev had to wait a little because of John’s school priorities. He surely gets the message that Rev tried to send him because they went to the park to bond and play that day.

Rev was happy about it.

Watch this funny video of Rev tearing a dog training book to pieces:

Video by: CatersClip via Youtube


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