Iris went through a terrible moment in her life. She lost her daughter when the baby was only about six months old. To help her cope, her mother gave her a miniature Maltese named Faye.

Since then, Faye has been her baby. She loves Faye as her daughter and would do anything for her. This had come as no surprise when she was worried about a growing tumor on Faye’s abdominal area.

Iris brought her in so Faye can undergo tumor removal. She is worried that there might be a lot of risk factors given Faye’s age. Faye is already eleven years old, which makes her a senior.

The whole ordeal is terrifying for Iris. She wants to spend as many more years as she can with her Faye.

When Faye was assessed, Iris was informed that given the area of the tumor, it is more likely to be a mammary tumor. She was also told that they would have to spay her before the procedure.

Spaying would remove the hormones that encourage tumor growth. Iris was also concerned if Faye’s size would pose more risk. The vet assured her that her size does not increase the risk of surgery. This was a relief to hear.

Iris understood the risk and was hoping for a successful operation. As the operation was going on, Iris was waiting anxiously in the waiting area.

When the surgery was done, and Faye was ready to see her mother, Iris was relieved. The operation was a success, and she is pleased that Faye won’t have to suffer from the tumor anymore.

Having Faye healthy is one of Iris’ top priorities as she wants to spend more years with her. Iris and Faye went home with smiles on their faces that day because the surgery went without a hitch.

Source Animal Planet via YouTube


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