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An Ohio-based family experienced a series of tragedies in just a week in 2019. Andrew Allen got hit by a car as he was about to cross the road. Another car hit him while he was struggling on the street. This accident happened just a few days after Allen’s two-year-old brother lost his bout against brain cancer. Their long-time dog, meanwhile, succumbed to death because of old age.

Andrew’s accident was unimaginable. He was left unconscious for so many days, and his family was ready to let him go. Although the doctors already performed brain surgery on Andrew, his situation did not improve. But when Andrew’s family was about to give up, Andrew had other plans.

According to Andrew’s doctors, while the boy survived a near-death experience, he would find it difficult to walk again. But Andrew proved that the doctors’ diagnosis was wrong as he was able to regain his footing.

Andrew’s smile has gotten sweeter because of this development. His smile is a source of happiness for his family. Meanwhile, there will be another reason for Andrew to smile. His family recently adopted a new dog.

The idea of having a new dog came from Andrew’s dad. This is the reason why his dad went to a nearby shelter to look for a pooch to adopt. When Andrew’s dad reached the Humane Society, though, the shelter was closed.

As he was about to leave the shelter, someone called the attention of Andrew’s dad. It was Denise Johnson, the Manager of SPCA Cincinnati. Johnson asked Andrew’s dad if he was looking for a pooch to adopt, to which he said yes.

Johnson told Andrew’s dad that the best dog that would fit Andrew’s personality would be Harland, a three-legged puppy. According to Johnson, just like Andrew, Harland also fought incredible battles in the past.

For one, the dog was left dying on a garbage can. Later on, the dog met an accident that required the amputation of one of Harland’s legs. Even then, the dog remained a source of happiness to the shelter’s volunteers.

Posted by Shilo Allen on Thursday, December 19, 2019

Credits to Shilo Allen.


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