Takis Proestakis, a Greek businessman who started his own shelter, often posts viral videos of the dogs he has rescued. In this video, Takis saw a feral dog tangled in a wire fence and went to save her.

Takis freed the skinny dog and did his best to calm her down. The dog was scared and aggressive and ran away. She became tangled in the fence again, and Takis continued to help her. After he freed the dog a second time, Takis noticed the terrified dog was completely blind.

The dog’s eyes were oozing and in bad condition. Takis administered some eye drops and named the dog Alex. He brought Alex to his shelter, but the dog was scared of humans and didn’t interact with the other dogs.

Soon, Alex became deeply depressed. The poor dog took to her crate and wouldn’t even eat. She didn’t respond well to petting and remained isolated. Alex would sit against the fence of the shelter, and she stayed there for months. Takis tried everything he could think of to make the dog more comfortable.

Then Takis got an idea. The shelter owner decided to take Alex to a secluded part of his shelter to meet another dog named Figo. Takis’ idea was for Alex to become pregnant. He hoped having a litter of puppies would give the dog hope and purpose.

Many people questioned the owner’s controversial idea, but it ended up working. After Alex gave birth to her litter, her depression lifted. She began eating with her puppies and running around the grounds with them. The dog was happy, finally!

For the first time, Alex started wagging her tail. Now Alex’s puppies have all grown up, but they all remain together in the shelter. Every night, the family sleeps together. Watch Alex’s transformation in the video below:

Credits: Takis Shelter YouTube


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