War is a nightmare not just for the people who will get caught in the crossfire, but also for the animals in the area. This is one lesson that Pen Farthing has learned during his tour in Afghanistan. This British soldier had a life-changing moment when he busted a dog-fighting event and rescued the dogs.

He even took home one of them and named him “Nowzad,” after the city where he found the poor pooch. Nowzad was able to live out the rest of his life as a normal house pet in the United Kingdom. But after seven years, he had passed away. Thinking about his departed dog, Pen thought that there must be more that he can do for the pups who are still in the war zone.

Despite being retired from the Royal Marines, Pen went back to Afghanistan. But this time, he was there to get involved in a different kind of fight. He started with helping repatriated soldiers reunite with the animals that they befriended while they were on tour. Mostly, they helped dogs, but they also catered to cats.

Then he later founded the Nowzad Clinic and Shelter. The facility was used to help out dogs and cats who are in dire need of medical attention and basic supplies like food and water. The shelter has collaborated with Kabul University’s veterinary students to get more manpower.

At the same time, the students get valuable work-related experience even before they become actual veterinarians. Apart from these wonderful things that Nowzad Clinic and Shelter have brought to the animals of Afghanistan, the organization also aimed to educate the locals.

One of the biggest reasons why dogs and other pets are mistreated is because the locals aren’t educated enough regarding animal welfare. Their lectures not only covers topics about caring for house pets but lessons for the public, regarding taking care of stray animals. It’s safe to say that Pen is a hero not just for us, humans, but for dogs and other animals as well.

Credits: b1ackspiralfilms


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