There have been a lot of misconceptions about dogs, most especially in regards to the sensitive time known as the heat period. This article will take you through the facts you did not know or might have read or heard about but weren’t sure of. It’s high time pet owners stood up to taking full responsibility for their dogs.

The heat season or period takes place every 6 months, approximately, and it lasts for about 3 weeks. During this time, the female dog’s vulva will appear swollen and traces of blood discharge will be seen.  If you’re a good observer, you’d notice that other male dogs around would show interest in your female dogs and may feel attracted towards them; this is as a result of the pheromones that are constantly released by the dog during this time.

For this reason, it’s of utmost importance to always keep an eye on her, since you wouldn’t want just any kind of male dogs around. You have to ensure that the female dog is not left outside alone at all time because the males can become very aggressive and may want to jump or dig out small gates to mate. Remember, your priority is to keep your female dog safe during this time so that there are no attacks by males from other neighborhood, which may, in turn, cause unwanted puppies.

It may sound inconvenient keeping your female dog indoor while she’s ready to mate with the opposite sex. One way to avoid the smelly and messy discharge is to get a confined space indoors where it (the discharge) can be easily cleaned, probably a concrete or tiled area in the garage or basement. Whichever way, ensure that your dog is comfortable; this isn’t the best time to put her through any kind of stress. You may also decide to create your pet while in heat, so it doesn’t look like you’re isolating or punishing her. Ensure that you place your female dog in a place where she can easily access any other female dog that you have.

This may sound like a difficult task, considering the fact that female dogs in heat exhibit aggressive behaviors towards other pets. This is a temporary issue that will be over once the dog is out of the heating season. In the meantime, you can either separate from other pets or leave them all together to figure it out on their own. Naturally, pets in the pack have a way of communicating and interpreting their behaviors, so they can easily move away from the female dog until the heat period is over.

Dogs are considered to be man’s best friend, so there isn’t any other way to show them love if not by ensuring that they do not go through the heat period alone. Introduce the suitable male dog at intervals so that they can mate at the appropriate time.




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