It is common knowledge that dogs are often tasked with the job of lending some support to the humans who need it. There are also instances when another doggie is in need of one as well. These service dogs step up and are there for their charges to help give them the emotional support that they need. At New Jersey’s Turtle Back Zoo, however, one support dog has been assigned to lend his paw to one with a wilder nature – the Cheetah Ambassador named Nandi.

Doggie support

Nandi is one of the ambassadors that the zoo has as part of the Cheetah Conservation Fund. She is one of the resident felines that are front and center during events and school visits to educate people about conserving their species. But since these big cats are known to be shy in front of an audience, the staff at the zoo assigned Nandi her own emotional support dog. The pooch was a Labrador Retriever named Bowie, and the two have been together since they were just a few weeks old.

The dog and cheetah were raised together and have developed a bond closer than siblings have. So, when Nandi feels anxious about getting up on stage, Bowie is right by her side, calming her down and giving her the confidence to face the crowd.

One year of companionship

The cheetah, along with her support doggie, both recently celebrated their birthdays. This milestone also marked a year that the duo had been together. The zookeepers say that Bowie plays an important role in their conservation efforts. They also love his playful nature and enjoy cuddling up with the lovable pooch.

It is incredible how much comfort a dog like Bowie can bring. These pooches have such a steady and calm demeanor that they can even help calm down a wild animal such as Nandi.

Check out more about the story here:

Source: Youtube | CBS New York


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