One of the most harrowing experiences a person can endure is when their pet goes missing. After over a month of searching for his dog Chloe, Larry Osborne of Colorado believed the dog to be dead. Larry and his wife, Anouk, were hiking when their 14-year-old dog ran away.

dog, canine, labrador retriever

Taking to Facebook in late August, Anouk sent out a message that their Chocolate Labrador mix was missing. Anouk said it was unlike Chloe not to come home at night. The residents of the small town Alma, Colorado kept their eyes out for the missing dog.

After five weeks of searching, Larry and Anouk feared the worst. They told their son that Chloe had died, and they held a memorial in her honor in late September. It was a heartbreaking time for the family.

An Alma couple, Sean Nichols and Trinity Smith, had read a post on a hiking website about hikers hearing a dog barking. They decided to check out the popular hiking loop, which consists of Mounts Lincoln, Cameron, Democrat, and Bross.

snow, mountains, dog

At the summit of Mount Bross, Trinity heard a dog barking. Unable to see anything that night, Smith returned with her boyfriend, Nichols. On September 22, Trinity and Sean finally found Chloe, who was stuck on a boulder.

Chloe, who was starving, weighed 90 lbs less. She was two-thirds lighter than usual. Chloe was dehydrated and emaciated when she was found, but Doctors confirmed she would make a full recovery.

Here’s the heartwarming story of Chloe’s rescue:

Video credit Inside Edition YouTube Channel

New to the town of Alma, Sean and Trinity had no idea that Larry and Anouk lived just down the road from them. After Chloe’s amazing rescue and reunion with her family, Larry and Anouk thanked the young couple and became instant friends.

Chloe suffered from dehydration and malnutrition but was otherwise unharmed. Except for healing from a minor back injury as a result of sitting on the boulder, she is is good health and enjoying life.


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