Just like chewing, barking is a natural habit for dogs and it is one of the ways by which they communicate. When a dog barks, it signifies a lot of things, ranging from excitement to danger. Normally, dogs bark because they want help or not happy about something. Some dogs just bark for the fun of it, probably to seek attention, while some bark to signify hunger. Although barking is a natural habit, excessive barking is an indication of a distressed dog. In addition to causing distresses, excessive barking can disturb your peace and that of your neighbor. As such, it becomes important for you to enlighten yourself on the possible ways to control excessive barking.

Here are some ways to control excessive barking.

Stop excessive barking by controlling boredom

More than often, boredom is the reason why a dog bark excessively. To manage boredom, you simply need to provide a variety of materials or toys that would serve as a distraction. A dog can exhibit or develop many negative behaviors when boredom or loneliness kicks in. For instance, some dogs chew on baseboards or furniture while some dogs bark continuously thereby disrupting the peace of the neighborhood. The solution to boredom is to provide a toy that requires much effort to play with. You should provide toys such as pig’s ears for your dog if he chews furniture.

Take a long walk

Go on a long walk with your dog, say like 45 minutes to one hour every day. The walk will make your dog tired, and when you get back, your dog won’t have anything else to do than to sleep.

Provide a relaxing and comfortable environment for your dog

Make the environment of your dog relaxing and very comfortable. Create a safe place where your dog can lie, make it dry and comfortable. Also, you can put on a soothing or quiet music.

Use a corrective tap

Approach your dog when he starts barking, and shout ‘No’. Then, with your two fingers, playfully smack him on the face or splash his face lightly with water from a clean spray bottle. The purpose of this strategy isn’t to injure your dog but to show your dog that excessive barking can bring about undesirable consequences.

Watch out for nonverbal communication

There is a strong tendency for your dog to bark when scared. How do you know when your dog is scared? Your dog is scared when her tail is between the legs, or when her ears are laid back or when she shows a defensive body posture. What you have to do is to remove the cause of the fear, sit back and watch the barking end.

Consider using a bark collar

Bark collars are designed to control the rate or volume at which a dog barks. Dog Bark collars are one of the effective training tools used by dog owners. While there are many ways to control excessive dog barking,  a dog bark collar has proven to be one of the most effective remedies. It’s quite easy to use and doesn’t require much effort.



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