We all have our favorite food. Some people love chicken, others like pasta, burgers, pizza, or sushi. Most kids love chocolates, cakes, and other sweets.

Having a favorite food is not a trait limited to humans. Some dogs have their favorites, too, like a Doberman Pinscher named Kruz who gets so hyped up for ice cream. This adorable dog gets excited like a child at the thought of eating ice cream.

Kruz and his human family live in the mountains, and the ice cream truck doesn’t pass by their house often. But when it does, an ecstatic Kruz always waits eagerly by the side of the road when he hears the ice cream truck approaching.

He chooses his flavor, too. His human parents make sure they don’t give him any flavor with chocolate, but they allow him to pick what he wants. On one occasion, Kruz’s mom and dad were able to film the four-year-old Doberman when the ice cream truck went by.

Kruz could be seen going to the middle of the road, looking impatient and barking at the truck that was still a bit far from the house. When the truck finally arrived, Kruz got a popsicle with the flavor he loved—grape.

Excited as he was for his ice cream, though, Kruz faithfully obeyed dad’s instructions to wait before eating the sweet treat. He even did a few tricks as prompted by his dad, like sitting still, playing dead, and doing a high-five. Or maybe he did them so that he could get to his ice cream.

Dad got him two packs of grape popsicles, and Kruz finished them off quickly. Thankfully, he spits out the stick. It was also a good thing dad got a tight grip on the paper packaging, or Kruz would have devoured that, too.

Kruz also loves waffle cones. When dad asked him whether he wanted the small piece of waffle cone left from his ice cream or the banana fudge left from mom’s ice cream, Kruz didn’t hesitate to get the waffle cone. This Doberman is undoubtedly in touch with his inner child.

Source: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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