Born as a runt in one local farm, Jerry was rejected and abandoned by his own mom. And his owner also didn’t want the hassle of having to bottle-feed him. So Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary stepped in and rescued him. That’s where he met Drake.

“Most lambs prefer to sleep on top of their moms,” said Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary Cofounder Megan Mostacci. “And he does it with Drake.”

Quite obviously, Drake loved Jerry just the same. He cleaned and cuddled with him from the first night there were together. But Jerry was very sick and unfortunately, their bond wasn’t for long.

One day, Jerry just flopped over on his side. Worried and concerned, Mostacci brought him to the animal hospital directly and there they learned that he had suffered from an unexpected case of bloat. In an attempt to save his life, the vet resolved that surgery was necessary.

The vet team prepped Jerry in the operating room very quickly for emergency surgery. However, in the course of their preparation, Jerry’s heart abruptly stopped. People around him were heartbroken, but Drake, his best pal, probably was devastated the most.

Intuitive as most animals are, Drake kept searching for Jerry. So one volunteer thought that Drake could possibly make use of some warmth and a little kindness. Dottie, a goat, came in and cuddled with Drake.

Photo Credits to Black Goat Farm and Sanctuary

Dottie, as well as her sister, was saved from one hoarding situation. And Drake was welcoming and warm with Dottie just as he was with Jerry. “They were cuddling all morning,” said Mostacci. “Dottie knows Jerry’s sad.”

With love, comes the risk of heartbreak and loss. But it will never obscure the little lamb’s memory. “Drake loves Dottie so much. He adores his babies a lot.”

Luckily, there’s more than enough love that goes around in the sanctuary. The kind of love that helps both humans and animals so they can continue living and taking care of one another.


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