Dogs, in general, are always keen on keeping us company. They make us happy just by existing, but what if they also keep you alive while at it? Such is the story of a golden retriever named Duncan from Carrboro in North Carolina.

Duncan lives with his human, Ron. Ron is a type 1 diabetes patient, and this is where Duncan gets in the picture. The dog is more than your regular dog because he is an alert dog. Specifically, Duncan is a diabetic alert dog that services humans who require such expertise. He was trained by a non-profit organization called Eyes Ears Nose and Paws, where he stayed at for two years, training and mastering his skills as an alert dog.

Each time his owner’s blood sugar levels would drop down or go up, Duncan will sense it and he in return will alert his human about it. In cases when the blood sugar is lower than usual, he will get a pack of juice from the refrigerator and give it to Ron, as his way of telling him to drink it up.

The same incident happened when Mandy, Ron’s friend, came over for a visit. Unknown to Mandy, her sugar level is already dropping and Duncan must have felt it, that’s why he gave Mandy the juice box like what he would always do to Ron. That’s when Mandy and Ron got the hint that Mandy’s hypoglycemia is hitting up again.

According to Ron, Duncan has significantly helped in managing his health condition. He even recalled an incident when his blood sugar drastically dropped down one night that he was shaking. Duncan immediately grabbed the juice from the fridge and brought it to Ron. After drinking the juice, Ron felt better, and he is just too grateful for Duncan’s help and presence.

Dogs will always amaze us no matter what they do, especially when it already concerns someone’s life. All we can do is be thankful for them and hope that we’re able to reciprocate their love and loyalty in our little ways.

Source: Duncan the Service Dog via Facebook


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