A 12-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier named Buster has been in and out of different shelters for a long time. About two years ago, he went home with yet another stranger called Sean Farrell.

At first, Sean only intended to foster Buster for a bit and then help him find a forever family. However, the man quickly fell in love with the Staffie even if the canine was reticent, and that’s how Sean became Buster’s forever dad.

Nobody could blame Buster for being nervous around people, especially single men. The dog has had unpleasant experiences in the past that made him think that being alone with a man is bad news.

The fur dad shares that in the early days of their relationship, the Staffie steered clear of him, preferring to stay wherever Sean wasn’t. During the day, when Sean was bustling about the house, Buster would keep to himself upstairs.

The pooch would only be seen downstairs when his fur dad had some guests over or when the two of them were going for a walk. Of course, this situation wasn’t sustainable, so Sean thought of ways to reassure Buster that he was safe in his new home.

Seeing the small space underneath his staircase, the fur dad had a lightbulb moment. Sean took out a measuring tape, bought a few materials, and started building a tiny bedroom that he affectionately called “Buster’s Boudoir.”

The fur dad only intended to make a small den at first. However, a wave of inspiration hit him once he was done with the construction.

The space was already feeling cozy with its carpet-lined floor and soft doggy bed. But once Sean put in a small TV, a cooling fan, and even mood lights, Buster’s Boudoir looked fantastic.

In total, Sean spent £80 to £100 ($97 to $122) and four days making the den. When he posted the photos online, the fur dad was stunned by all the positive reactions Buster’s Boudoir garnered from the dog’s followers.

The Staffie himself settled in the space right away, knowing from the start that his fur dad created it just for him. He likes taking a nap in his room or watching the TV when he wants some alone time.

The change that came over the pooch after he got his own cubbyhole was almost magical. Buster began to relax and be more comfortable in his new home.

Also, the dog began interacting in earnest with his fur dad. Soon, the pair were cuddling on the couch — something Sean wouldn’t have thought possible just a few weeks ago.

Buster came out of his shell so completely that he now works as a therapy dog. He visits children’s hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, and nursing homes to brighten the patients’ days, even for a few minutes.

Sean hopes that this beautiful transformation inspires animal lovers to give shy and senior rescue dogs a chance. Watch Buster’s story here:

Source: Slideshow of Animals on YouTube and Zook the General & Sgt Buster on Facebook


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