With stories about animal cruelty, it can be a significant change when we see kindhearted people helping and rescuing dogs. That is why, when we find videos and stories of men helping or saving dogs or other animals, we feel it is our job to share it to the world. We see it as a way to encourage people to do the same towards animals.

A stray dog in India fell into a construction pit. It was buried, and the construction crew thought that the dog might have been injured. Furthermore, there was no way a dog or even humans can get out of the pit without assistance.

Luckily, Animal Aid Unlimited was informed of the dog’s condition and set forth to rescue the poor animal right away. To save the dog, a man was tied with a rope around his waist and was hoisted down to the pit. Upon reaching the dog, he tried to gain its trust. The dog seems to understand what is going on and allowed the man to touch him.

Watch the full rescue video below.

Founded by an American couple in 2002, Animal Aid has grown over the years. Due to the couple’s dedication in helping homeless animals, Animal Aid increased and has helped and rescued at least 50,000 animals in 2015. It is their aim to give medical assistance to all types of animals wandering the streets of India.

Thanks to the staff and volunteers of Animal Aid for tirelessly providing a haven to animals.

Dogs are highly perceptive. They know when a person is trying to help them or not. In this case, the dog was happy to see the man. He knew that they were trying to help him.

To the man who fearlessly went into the pit, no words can describe the gratitude we felt towards your selflessness. Keep the good work.

Source Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube


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