When it comes to losing weight, we as humans often hear the phrase “eat less and exercise more”. The fact of the matter is, it is actually more complicated than that; it is all about discovering the correct balance.

It is the same with our dogs. While it is true they will be required to burn more calories than those consumed in order to lose weight, but the proper balance must be found in order to maintain it.

Feed less & always measure

Clearly, if your dog needs to lose weight, he needs to eat less. But measuring is necessary to keep track of his results. Simply cut down on the portion size of what he typically eats (a 5% decrease at a time is advisable). Keep track of their weight for 3-4 weeks, including how much is in a portion, and adjust as needed.

If you are not comfortable in deciding who much you should decrease the amount of food you feed your dog, contact your veterinarian.

Give your dog more exercise

Dogs are not exempt from needing exercise to maintaining a healthy weight. Two additional 5 minute sessions of a game of tug or fetch can go a long way in helping your dog lose weight. Begin slowly and gradually increase the time of the sessions if your dog is not starting out in great health. Some examples would be to extend your daily walks bit by bit, or up the pace just a touch.

Creating a few additions to your dog’s daily activities will aid in your dog’s burning more calories, and because it provides some extra fun, he’ll enjoy it and it will be easier to keep up with it for the a prolonged period of time.

Skip out on all the extra treats

It is a temptation to cave to your dog’s adorable begging, but if your dog is in need of losing some weight, you will need to show some restraint. The calories in extra treats or scraps add up quickly, and they will void out all of your other diligent efforts.

If you utilize treats for training purposes, or if you enjoy giving your dogs treats throughout the course of your day, you should measure them out. This will keep you aware of just how many treats he might be ingesting every day.

Feed your dog multiple times a day

If you feed your dog one large meal daily, a simple way to aid in his weight loss is to divide his meal into two or three smaller ones and feed them to him throughout the day.

Much like humans, dogs have a straightforward stomach structure; after eating, around 8-10 hours later, the stomach is empty and hungry again. If you feed your dog multiple times each day, this helps to ensure they have a stable metabolism. This will also allow your dog to burn off some calories between meals, and can even prevent him from getting bloated.

Have your dog work for their food

This may sound like a “mean” approach, but the truth of the matter is that dog’s enjoy a bit of mental stimulation as they ingest their food; the majority of dogs find it quite engaging. It is a natural instinct for dogs to use their scavenging abilities, so using a food dispensing toy is a convenient way to allow him to use those skills, while also preventing him from eating too much too quickly. He will not think of this as “work”, he will think of it as play and he will be occupied and entertaining during mealtime.

Dogs typically gain weight gradually. If you have detected a sudden weight gain, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian, as this could be a precursor to conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, or Cushing’s disease.


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