You may begin to wonder why dogs are dominating our world more than other pets. The thing is, dogs are known to share part of our lives in one way that most other pets can’t. The main purpose of this article is to remind of us the uniqueness of dogs and why we keep on loving them.

Some exciting qualities…

Dogs are faithful pets and are very responsive to their owners. They love to please you in different ways they can. Whenever you feel down or sad, your dog will sit or lie beside you to comfort you. When you’re excited, the same dog will wag its tail happily and share in your joy. Dogs are playful too and love performing physical activities like following you around, helping with minor works, playing around, and running from one place to another. They’re soft and ready at any time for a loving pat.

Dogs can be trained to easily adapt to their new environment and human-built dwellings. When dogs are taken out in the public, they are trusted to act orderly and appropriately around other people. There’s something common about dogs; they are mostly available for us, whether in the day or at night and love to partake in every activity, starting from breakfast time to a relaxed evening spent watching TV. They can partake in both indoor and local outdoor activities. They are also always ready to travel around with the family for vacation. This is just some of the many reasons why dogs will forever share part of our most treasured memories.

So much variety to choose from

Generally, dogs come in different shapes, sizes and are also beautiful to admire. Starting from their charming eyes and fascinating faces, to their sleek, soft coats, to their happily waggling tails, dogs are beautiful to hold. Dogs also come in various breeds and everyone can choose any breed whose appearance most appeals to them, whether small or large, short-haired or long-haired, curly or straight-haired.

The different breeds of dogs include:

–    Labrador Retriever

–    German Shepherd

–    Golden Retriever

–    French Bulldog

–    Bulldog

–    Beagle

–    Poodle

–    Rottweiler

–    Yorkshire Terrier

–    Boxer, and so on.


What’s your role as the human?

Dogs definitely render the best of themselves; they give their loyalty, love, affection, playfulness, and companionship. So in return, we also owe them our best care, including a healthy, well-balanced diet, regular access to clean water and shelter from any kind of weather (hot sun or extreme cold), regular veterinary care and animal vaccinations.

What you shouldn’t do:

  1. Heavy objects should not be placed where it is liable to fall on and injure dogs.
  2. Open yards leading to the roadside should be fenced around in order to avoid the dogs being hit by passing cars.
  3. Dogs shouldn’t be chained outside and denied running or playing around.
  4. Antifreeze and other poisonous fluids mustn’t be allowed to leak where dogs might have access to them and try to drink them.
  5. Be sure that all cleaning products and any other life-threatening fluid that might cause harm to them should be avoided for their sake.

On a final note, dogs deserve gentle handling and an abundance of our time and attention. The same way love makes our world go around, is the same way dog’s world go around when we show them our sincere love.

Dogs are definitely man’s, women’s and children’s best friends, so we should feel honored to be theirs as well.


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