zimt2003 (CC0), Pixabay

The Grumpy Cat is definitely one of the most popular animals on the entire internet. He is quite adorable and it’s his grumpy face that has spurred tons of memes.

If there’s a Grumpy Cat, then there’s also a Grumpy Dog. Yes, he is real!

Meet Chester, the grumpiest dog in the entire world. He is a normal dog with a face that is perennially grumpy. It doesn’t matter who he is with or what he is doing. His face is just grumpy all the time.

His parents may give him a toy that would be his favorite. Or he may be spending time on his favorite spot in the house. He may even be with his best human. But all of those don’t change how his face looks. Now if you are the grumpy kind, Chester just may be your animal counterpart.

Chester actually has been with the Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha before he was adopted. The Shiba Inu was 10 years old when he was adopted by Kirby Kaufman in July 2017.

He is already a senior in dog years so if you are going to think about it, he is around 65 years old already if he was human. Well, that surely tells us why he can be quite grumpy.

When Chester got adopted, Kirby got a lot of questions from his friends about why his dog is always grumpy. There were even some friends who told Kirby that Chester is a cross between a demon dog and a fox. Kirby just laughs at them and tells them that Chester is special to him and that he is just an ordinary dog who just has been given a grumpy face.

Despite how his face looks, Chester is really ordinary. He loves pets and wants to spend a lot of time with Kirby.

Source: grumpysheeb


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