Our pet dogs are part of our life. As dog owners, we consider our dogs as our family. Some people even prefer spending time with their dogs than their relatives. The friendship and bond between people and their dogs are special that it’s hard to describe.

This is why people would do anything to keep their pet dogs healthy. And we all know that veterinary services can be expensive. As dog owners, we don’t care about the cost as long as our dogs are healthy, happy, and not suffering from any pain.

A dog named Mookie is your typical hyperactive dog who loves to play and run around. Mookie’s owner, Mercedes Pimentel, would often take Mookie on adventures. They go hiking together, and Mercedes would take Mookie everywhere she goes. The two of them would even go on long road trips together. One of Mookie’s favorite activities is to do zoomies on the beach.

dog, small münsterländer, münsterländer

However, everything changed for both Mookie and Mercedes. While they were on a cross-country road trip, Mercedes eventually observed that Mookie was limping on one of her front legs. At first, Mercedes dismissed it as being tired from a long road trip comparable to having a limb falling asleep after sitting for long periods.

Mercedes thought that Mookie would eventually recover from having a sore leg. However, after a few days, Mookie was still limping. Mercedes knew that something wasn’t right and decided to take Mookie to the vet. After Mookie was examined, the vets confirmed that Mookie had osteosarcoma or bone cancer. The tumor developed on Mookie’s leg, and it was concluded that the affected limb should be amputated to prevent cancer from spreading.

Mercedes was devastated after hearing the news. She thought that her dog would never be the same after the amputation. However, it was the only way for her dog to survive and decided to go through the surgery.

animal, beach, beagle

Mercedes didn’t know how she could afford the surgery. Thankfully, people learned about Mookie’s plight, and money donations started to come in. Mercedes’s friends on social media also started sharing and posting Mookie’s story on various social media platforms. Sure enough, people responded, and they started giving monetary aid to Mercedes so she can afford the life-saving surgery for her beloved dog.

In the first few days, Mookie struggled to walk. She was off-balanced, and she knew that something was missing. Mookie would often wake up three to four times during the night, and Mercedes would be there comforting her beloved dog.

Mercedes’s love and care for Mookie made a huge difference. After a few more days, Mookie started to adjust to walking on three legs. She even started to show her fun-loving personality again. Mookie started to wag her tail again, and she would also begin greeting Mercedes at the door again.

Mookie is a survivor. Despite all the odds, Mookie fought and survived. Mookie didn’t only survive cancer, but she became a happy and fun-loving dog again. Here’s a heartwarming video showing Mookie’s journey to fight cancer.

Video Source The Dodo via YouTube


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