Mr. Mohsen and his colleague were driving on an icy road in Bumahen, Iran, when he saw a frail dog slowly dragging its body in a corner. His colleague, however, drove away, and he came home that night with a heavy heart.

The man couldn’t take his mind off of the sick dog he saw that night, so he asked his employee to search for the pup. It took a while, but they finally found him and brought him to Mr. Mohsen’s office.

dog, puppy, asleep

They immediately brought the dog to a vet. The doctors ruled out that the five-year-old dog may have been a victim of hit and run, which left his hind legs paralyzed. The impairment looks like from a few years ago, and the pup found a way to cope and live with it.

The vet said that the damage is irreversible, and the poor pup will forever be paralyzed. They even suggested to euthanize him. This reality broke the heart of Mr. Mohsen, but not his and the dog’s spirits. He told the doctors that he would make sure to take good care of the dog, believing that there is a reason why they crossed paths.

Mr. Mohsen reached out to Vafa Animal Shelter located in Hashtgerd, Iran, and asked for their help. The shelter promised him to take the dog in as soon as there was a vacancy. In the meantime, Mr. Mohsen and his team took good care of the pup in his office, naming him “The Miracle Dog.”

Vafa Shelter called back Mr. Mohsen to let him know that they can’t take the dog, but they know someone who will. Ms. Parvine, an Iranian living in Maryland, was willing to bring the pup with her to the United States. Another lady offered to sponsor all expenses to make this all happen.

These good samaritans named the dog Omid, which means “to have hope” in their native language. Now, the pup who used to be neglected, abandoned, and almost dying, is now living happily with his new family.

Check out the video below to see Omid’s progress!

Video credit: Youtube Babak Alipour



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