In March of last year, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) rescued 22 dogs from a horrific living condition. Complaints of possible animal neglect initiated the mission to rescue. All dogs were found crammed inside improvised pens all over the house and in the backyard. And the rescuers were astonished by how someone could treat the animals in a very terrible way.

“They were filthy and their coats were all matted,” said RSPCA Inspector Miranda Albinson. “Their condition was absolutely hellish. And the stench was so awful that I can’t even describe.”

All 22 of them were pulled out and taken to RSPCA’s various branches. And while all of them were suffering from different health issues, one of them was particularly in the worst state – Hobbit. She was extremely underweight and was so terrified of people that she didn’t want anyone touching her.

“We tried brushing her coat and she got stressed, so much that we needed to stop,” explained Rachel Jones, Fundraising and Communications Head of Bath Cats & Dogs Home, one of RSPCA’s branches. “We had to put her under (sedation) and that’s when we were able to shave her coat.”

It took 3 long months for Hobbit to finally start trusting people again. And she had transformed into a sweet and gorgeous dog that wanted nothing but to be with her rescuers all the time. Hobbit was completely different – inside and out.

Before long, Hobbit was ready and by June, the perfect couple came forward and adopted her. Since then, her life has become a dream. “She’s adorable. She learned a lot within a few months of being with us,” said her new mom, Anna Abram. “Anywhere we are, people would take pictures with her.”

Hobbit was once terrified of literally anything and anyone near her. But today, she plays fetch on the beach, goes for walks at the park and joins dog competitions. He even won one! Yes, Hobbit took first place!

Photo Credits to RSPCA

From the moment RSPCA rescued her, Hobbit’s life had changed. And with a beautiful fluffy coat and a confident attitude, she’s now an entirely different dog.


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