Potty training a dog is the toughest job that pet parents have to deal with. If you do not house train your dog, it will create problems for you later in life. It is your job to train your puppy to do no wrong when he is not being supervised. That is the only way to assure that your puppy will prefer going outside the house or use a litter box that you have prepared for him. Most pet parents are confused that when they should potty train their puppy and what is the best training method they can use. Here we have a step by step guideline to help you in this process.

When to start potty training?

According to experts the best time to start potty training your puppies is when it is 12 to 16 weeks old. In this age, your puppy has gained complete control over his bladder and bowel movement, which means you can train him to hold it until he is in the right place.

If your puppy was already 12 weeks old when you brought him home and he has been eliminating in a cage, potty training might take longer than expected. You may have to reshape your dog’s behavior with reward and motivation for best results.

Guideline for potty training

You can start with confining your puppy to a particular space, which can be a crate, on a leash or in a room. Once your puppy learns that he has to go outside to urinate and poop, you can allow your dog to freely move around in the house. You have to follow the given steps to potty train your dog.

  1. Maintain the regular feeding schedule of your puppy but take away the food during his meals.
  2. Every morning take your puppy out for elimination and after that follow the same process once every 30 to 60 minutes.
  3. You have to take your puppy out after his naps and meals. You have to assure that you take your puppy out the last thing at night before he goes to his bed.
  4. Take your puppy out to the same spot every time. He will remember the passage, and his scent will prompt him to move.
  5. Until your puppy is properly potty trained it is better that you stay with him outside.
  6. Once your puppy follows your guideline of eliminating outside you should praise him with a treat. You can also reward him by taking him out on a walkout playing with him in a ground

Potty training might take some time but you will have the relief of not having to remove the stinky poop from your house. As well as once your dog is properly trained you will not have to deal with the same issues again. It is better that you do not punish your puppy during the training session because fear may make him lose control over his bladder and it would create issues for you. You have to work patiently with your puppy.


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