Scavenging is a natural tendency your dog may have. You may have already experienced having to deal with this at some point, whether it be trying to get something out of his mouth or watching him attempt to pick things up along the way when you are walking together. This is not uncommon.

Along with scavenging, dogs are also opportunistic creatures, so it would be against his natural biology to just leave something alone if he thinks it could potentially be delicious. Unfortunately, there are several items that could harm him if he were to get his mouth on them while out and about. Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous items your dog could pick up, and it is recommended that you keep a close eye out if you encounter any of these with your dog:

1. Dead animals

This is an obvious one. If you live in the city, birds, rats, squirrels, and other animals may end up biting the big one on the route you just so happen to walk with your dog. If any of these animals were to have ingested rat poison, your dog very well could, too. Not to mention the myriad of parasites, bacteria, or disgusting diseases which your dog could contract from any one of these. Yikes. Best to steer clear.

2. Glass

Glass is not only a danger to your dog’s paws. You might this this outlandish, but dogs have been known to go after a huge chunk of glass, particularly if there are any traces of food fount on it. Clearly a horrific thought. Tin foil and sharp cans are other dastardly culprits to keep your eye on.

3. Paper towels

Paper towels, indeed. Some paper towel brands are specifically created to absorb a lot of things, and to expand. While this is a wonderful thing for your kitchen, this could potentially cause a blockage in the digestive tract of your poor pup.

4. Chicken bones

Along with being a potentially fatal choking hazard, cooked chicken bones are known to break off and splinter, causing very painful internal injuries.

5. Gum (even when chewed!)

Even a miniscule amount of xylitol can be dangerously toxic for a dog (specifically small dogs), and this is an ingredient found it most sugar-free gums.

6. Sticks

While not typically a big problem, your dog could possibly harm himself by chewing on or chomping at the wrong stick. Again, pieces breaking off and creating what could become a choking hazard is also a concern.

7. Corn cobs

Another item that may not have crossed your mind, corn cobs absolutely pose a threat to your dog. Dealing with the repercussions of that makes for one expensive surgery.

8. Floss, string, rubber bands

Any one of these items could get tangled around the intestines and create gravely serious health issues.

9. Antifreeze

While several of the newly-released formulas have been created to taste bitter, antifreeze has been known to be a sweet temptation to dogs in the past. Best to just keep clear of it, and avoid any puddles you may come across in the street.

10. Speaking of puddles, water

Your dog may be seduced by a puddle of standing water while you are out and about, but that water could be contaminated by any number of things. He could easily ingest residue from pesticides or contract giardia.


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