If you are a dog lover about to embark on a major relocation, here’s a list of tips to keep your canine friend as ready as you are.

Take your dog to the vet for a microchip implant

If your dog already has one, you are off the hook. If not, this is the best time to get your dog to the vet for a microchip implant. Rest assured this will not be cumbersome in any given how smell these implants are. And their benefits are invaluable, most especially if you are about to relocate. Moving from one place to another means stuff are bound to get neglected and lost. What you do not want to happen is for your dog to be the one to suffer this risk. With a microchip implant, should this scenario happen, you are assured that you will be reunited with your pet. And what exciting and adorable reunion it will be.

Visit your visit for routine checkup

Your dog must be on their tiptop form once you move. It has already been established that dogs adapt their owner’s temperament. Another concept that has long been established is that moving out is a stressful situation. Now your dog is bound to soak all this stress up. Are they prepared for it? Are all of their vaccinations on schedule and is their immune system ready? These are the questions you need to discuss with your vet.

Ensure your dog will not freak out in their new environment

Humans need ample time to acclimate to new surroundings. The same thing goes for dogs. This said you have to prepare your pup for your eventual relocation. One way to do this is by introducing them to new places. Visits parks you don’t normally go to. Or restaurants you don’t usually dine in. This will train your dog in behaving in new environments.

Pick a crate

Hating crates is something shared by many dog owners. You do not have to join this bandwagon. Dog crates are quite practical, especially if you are about to relocate. This is the safest way to transport your dog.

Write a comprehensive packing list

Packing your things could prove rather tiresome. It will turn from tiresome to frustrating if you neglect to make a list of things you have to pack. And this list should not be exclusive to your ‘human stuff’. Your dog’s ‘doggy’ stuff should be listed down as well. This way the risk of you forgetting things can be prevented. Consider this; you failed to list your dog’s stuff and found yourself in your new home sans their needed medication. Now you either drive all the way back to your old house or make a new purchase. Both are such a hassle.

Research your new neighborhood

This is arguably the most crucial tip we have got for you. One of your top considerations when looking for a new place to move to is whether its friendly to dogs and pets in general. There are apartments that will not welcome your furry friend and the prospect of relocating to one only to be refused entry will be avoided if ample research is done before you sign above the dotted line.


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