Kaz (CC0), Pixabay

A dog owner usually walks through a cemetery as routine. She would walk through there with her two dogs. She never thought that something bad would happen to her one time. She is thankful her dogs were with her.

The woman from Melbourne who wished to be known as Kate is often at the Williamstown Cemetery. She finds it a good spot for walking her dogs – Louie, a terrier mix, and RuPaul, a Shih Tzu.

On a walk one night, she rested a bit while Louie and RuPaul were chasing something. She was surprised when someone gave her a strong push from behind. She didn’t even hear someone coming.

The attacker was in a black jacket. He held Kate to the ground and was trying to forcibly take off her pants. Kate was already yelling for help.

The two dogs heard Kate’s screams and started running towards her. They then jumped right on the man while growling and trying to take a bite at the man. The man became scared and ran away towards the KC White Reserve.

Kate and her dogs also ran home and Kate called the police to report about what happened. The police soon went to the scene and did a forensic examination.

Kate didn’t go home for one week because she was still shaken. The police were also asking people who were at the Williamstown Cemetery when the assault happened. They were asking those who may have seen something to tell them and help them find who did it.

Kate is thankful to Louie and RuPaul. If they weren’t there, she doesn’t know what could’ve happened to her. She is thankful that her dogs are protective of her. She is grateful that her dogs knew that she was in danger and made sure that she was safe.

Source: Sky News Australia


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