One of the most prestigious dog shows in the world, the Westminster Kennel Club dog show, debuts two new breeds for their competition this year.

The first one is a Nederlandse kooikerhondje who joined the sporting group part of the dog show. These breeds have been around for hundreds of years and have been a favorite for Dutch nobility. They were originally bred to be duck hunters.

These dogs are loyal, active, and sporty. They love the outdoors and are very fast. Dogs like the Nederlandse kooikerhondje are also known as very intelligent and hard working companions.

The next dog breed that is introduced this year is the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen which is a French hunting breed who joined the hound group. Their coats are similar to those of Jack Russel Terriers with very rough and wiry hair.

These dogs are well known to be great and smart hunters. They are great to be with as working dogs since they are very hardworking. They are also very sweet pets that are amazingly friendly around people.

As you will note, these breeds aren’t exactly new to the canine world. These breeds have actually been here for hundreds of years already.

What this only means that they are new to the American Kennel Club and have gotten their AKC recognition just last year. In fact, the reason for this recognition is because of the gaining popularity these breeds have been gaining in the U.S. for the past few years.

These two dogs joined over 2,800 dogs for this incredible two-day competition held in New York. These are just two of more than 200 dog breeds there. Other breeds include Yorkshire Terriers, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Shih Tzus, and Poodles.

There are also other more interesting breeds like Bloodhounds, Old English Sheepdogs, Bichon Frise, and Bergamasco Shepherds.

Check out this video to learn more about these breeds:

Source: Daily Mail | YouTube







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