One of the best feelings in the world is when all odds are against you, but you pull through to prove everyone wrong, and you show them your true worth. Not too many people will be able to proudly say that they were able to achieve this feat. The pup Edgar, on the other hand, has every right to raise his snout high in the air for this amazing achievement.

He was once deemed as “unadoptable” by a shelter in West Virginia. A harsh label to put on such a lovely goofball who turned out to be one of the best dogs in the world. When he was transferred to Pennsylvania, he met Melissa Lambert. Melissa and her husband Thom weren’t thinking about adopting a dog as they already had their hands full with their three daughters.

But Melissa, who often brought their kids to Edgar’s shelter to play with the dogs, started to fall for the pooch. Well, who could blame her? They adopted Edgar and brought him home, but what they didn’t know was that they were bringing home a super pup that would eventually save their three daughters.

One fateful evening, Melissa and Thom noticed that Edgar was going nuts in their room. He was howling and growling loud enough to wake them up. When Thom got the pooch to calm down, he heard footsteps inside the house. He then got kitchen knives and immediately checked on the girls who were fast asleep. After taking the girls to their room, he called 911.

No intruder was found inside their house, but moments later, a man was arrested down the street from their home. This man confessed that a few days earlier, he abducted a young girl from the same area who escaped, and he was planning on kidnapping the Lambert girls this time. Luckily, Edgar was there to spook the suspect away and alerted Thom and Melissa, leading to this man’s arrest. See the news video below.

Credits: Prayers for Pets1 NonProfit


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