Garbage collecting isn’t a job to be taken for granted. They play an essential part in our daily lives. That’s why for this particular garbage collector, one weekly event is sure to cheer him up. Joshua Byrne has a dog that just loves to greet the garbage collector every week. It’s such a touching scene that it has gotten a lot of views on the internet. It’s a fairly old video but it still an adorable thing to watch.

Joshua begins to set-up his camera so that it gets to an angle the perfectly captures the scene that’s about to happen. Fortunately, he placed it just in the right spot. Everything was captured on camera.

The garbage collector begins to stop his truck. He gets out of it, and someone is waiting to greet him. It’s Joshua’s dog, and he’s so happy to see the garbage collector. In the same token, the collector is also very pleased to see the dog.

The dog dashes towards the collector. The garbage man begins to rub the dog all over, and it’s such a cute scene. The rubbing sessions last for several more seconds. It seems that the dog loves it. It’s something he looks forward to every week according to Joshua’s caption.

After the rubbing session, the garbage collector walks towards Joshua, and they engage in small talk. They greeted each other and proceed to talk about their day and the dog. The dog walks up to the garbage collector again asking to pet. When the collector pets him, he accidentally drops the chew toy from his mount. The dog goes and picks it up near the plant. This is such a funny little detail.

The dog asks for one more rub on the nose before going on his way — such a pleasant interaction. The internet will remember this for a long time.

Video courtesy of Joshua Byrne via YouTube


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