It’s natural for dogs to chew, but chewing becomes a problem when your dog chew your books, furniture or shoes. Chewing is a natural and healthy thing for dogs to do when it isn’t destructive or excessive. Correcting destructive chewing in your dog is a matter of teaching your dog to chew dogs instead of your treasured objects.

Why Dogs Chew

Dogs chew for different reasons:

To release stress and built-up energy

During the period of teething, which occurs between three to six months.

Chewing is fun and enjoyable for dogs

Just as humans learn about the texture of an object by feeling with the hands, the same is also applicable to dogs. Dogs learn the texture and feel of objects with their mouths.

Correcting Destructive Chewing In Dogs

How do I correct destructive chewing behavior in my dog? Start by buying your dog appropriate chew toys and teach your dog how to chew them. When you see your dog chewing inappropriate objects, say “eh” or “no” in a small voice. This sound is similar to the growl of a mother, so your puppy will immediately know that you do not approve the behavior.

If your dog obeys the sound and stops to look at you, appreciate her by giving her a treat and an appropriate chew toy. Refrain from using socks, gloves or old shoes to practice chewing with your dog as such objects will only reinforce destructive chewing in your dog. Instead, use appropriate chew toys to practice chewing with your dog.

Make sure to praise your dog whenever she chews a toy as it teaches your dog that chewing is not wrong but destructive chewing.

Make chew toys available every time, especially during the period of teething. If possible, remove the objects you don’t want your dog to chew. You can also keep the dog away from the room where your treasured objects are kept or simply close the door.

Increase your dog’s exercise and training.

Make sure to confine your dog or put in a crate when you are away from the house.

Do’s and Dont’s

Do make available lots of solid and good dog toys for your dog to chew.

Do monitor your dog closely and exercise more often.

Do remain calm. Should you find your dog chewing on inappropriate objects, follow the suggestion above and you’ll successfully teach your dog to chew dog toys.

Don’t blame your dog for being a dog and exhibiting a dog behavior. Instead, provide dog toys for him to chew and praise him whenever he chews the toys. More importantly, prevent access to your treasured objects.





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